It looks like the whole world seems to be on vacation, but some of us, behind closed doors, are taking advantage of quieter times to catch up with long-standing tasks, develop ideas postponed from earlier in the year, implement overdue cleanups and reorganization of records, and follow up on worthy news that may affect our future work and plans.
Summer is not only a time to enjoy a needed break in today’s frantic lifestyle, but it is the season that also offers the opportunity to do all else at a slower pace, which, in itself, is a soothing and regenerating force vital to cope with the rest of the year.
Surprisingly, it can also provide unanticipated gratification, such as the one that has occurred for us this week, when we have received a fair number of ‘Anonymous’ donations and even a pledge that -unexpected at this time – have appeared, however, on our horizon!
THANK YOU to all our DONORS for partnering with us in the pursuits of our mission! You have boosted our energy even more and provided a good base for us to build further some of the ideas on our back burners. We shall continue to succeed and to keep you posted. Have a great and healthy summer!