Summer 2019 is winding down….all official holidays on both sides of the Atlantic are over for a while, and it’s time to re-energize – not with the strength of hurricane Dorian, currently wrecking everything in its path within this large ‘pond’ – but with a fresh review of ongoing tasks, assessment of new ideas, and stronger determination to succeed in the implementation of our plans and projects also in collaborations with our friends and partners.
Our fundraiser for Phase 2 of our STC program, thanks to all our contributors, has accumulated so far a total of $3,250.- which are on the way to Albania. While the possibility of giving, via FB, for this project has just expired, our ‘Donate’ web page ( ) is always open to receive any kind of support, for any and all of our causes.
This phase of our STC program has been in development for a while, since we also plan to expand its range of activities and collaborative participation as much as possible, but its implementation is on time: 8 weeks of new experiences for participating Seniors and some of our young Volunteers that will assist them, are coming up this Fall! So, please stay tuned in!
If you have not yet subscribed to our website feel free to do so – it just takes a click to complete: SUBSCRIBE NOW! so that you get informed, via email, when we post news on it.
And, thanks again to all our Supporters!