Our premises, as described in a separate page of our website, occupy an entire floor in the building complex ‘Rezidenca Ivanaj’, located in the bustling city center of Tirana, at the corner of two main thoroughfares. The triangular shape of this entire construction, which internally embraces an intimate and quiet garden, has the advantage of receiving the sunshine that Albania is blessed with, from all four cardinal points. All rooms along our corridors are glass enclosed and thus enjoy light from outside from all sides.
Right in the middle of our premises, at the corner section of our floor, one large room is devoted to being the ‘Library’. Its furnishing, obviously, include cabinetry full of books in 3 languages (Albanian, English, and Italian), movable tables and chairs that can accommodate about 30-35 people, a mobile smartboard for online projections that can be combined with internal presentations, and also a public desktop for searches of online or our own library materials. Thanks to this setup our users can also access over 800 e-books and conduct other researches of their own, if they wish.
This whole area has been and is used for several types of events and lends itself well for its setup to be easily reshuffled to suit different occasions and related needs. It is a quiet zone that accommodates small events or single individuals for study purposes. In its own corner a couple of armchairs and a small table may invite a cozy conversation.
We are proud of this type of arrangement that, like the other components of our floor, is at the service of the public interested in maintaining culture and education thriving in Albania.