On Oct. 30th, our Foundation in collaboration with SfidaBiznesi.com led by Elvis Plaku, had the pleasure of organizing an Online Security Awareness training, to coincide also with the international Cyber Security Month of October.
Online Security Awareness Training is a topic that everyone can benefit from. This course did discuss security and privacy in guarding our personal devices, the passwords we use, phishing attacks and suspicious URLs, social engineering, data leakage, and some general tips for staying safe online.
The training was offered at a basic level and is the first of a series of 4 other sessions that will take place in our premises in the months to come, covering other important themes.
The audience varied from high school students, university students and other interested individuals. Special thanks go to one of our partners EESTEC LC Tirana, who supported us also with their presence and participation of their member students that have informatics background.
Please stay tuned for the announcement of future trainings.