Title: “Bridging the Gap” Pilot project
Project objectives:
O1. To build stronger relationships between seniors, young adults, and children.
O2. To raise capacities among community members to improve their well-being, expand their health-related knowledge, promote personal and family health, as well as improve social behaviors including good manners.
Duration & Location: 2 months (November – December 2021) at a local Community Center in Tirana’s district
This pilot project is totally conceptualized, developed, and implemented by a small group of our Volunteer Hub’s members, under the supervision of our staff in Tirana. The involved Volunteers share similar educational backgrounds related to the medical field, and the beneficiaries of this project are children and seniors.
A. Our volunteers will teach kids and teenagers, from 5 to 14 years of age that frequent a social center in Tirana, topics such as personal hygiene, healthy eating habits, good manners, basic social etiquette, healthy living, and will give them more specific medicinal advice.
The methodology used is cooperative learning, a simple concept where kids work together in groups and, thus, the impact on the learning process, will be more effective.
B. The Seniors of the center will benefit from this project during the sessions dedicated to them, when our volunteers will interact with them by sharing experiences, developing good relationships, having fun while participating in different activities such as trivia games, art, crafts, dancing, playing cards, open dialogs, etc. In addition, open discussions will be held about different health topics, such as prophylactic health behaviors (PHB) and some of the most common health problems that include heart diseases, diabetes, respiratory diseases, etc.