Our VOLIF group regularly meets every month at the Ivanaj Library, for professional development and networking opportunities. The true strength of our volunteer hub is that members can come together to share concerns, issues, ideas, and programs.
Some of these meetings include team building activities that have proven to be effective in getting the group to become a cohesive unit and are always a great way to get the meeting started, especially for the ongoing new members.
Effective volunteer meetings go a long way in synchronizing volunteer efforts, unifying them, and its members leave the meeting with sense of belonging and motivation.
During this month’s get together, our group streamlined the activities planned for December and enlisted the available members for them. This routine will continue every month, and we will document results to ensure transparency but also to showcase the successful effort of our VOLIF unit.
To track the development of our Volunteer Hub, follow us on our social media accounts and subscribe to the newsletter.
If you want to contribute to the implementation of new projects conceived by this group, you can also support them through us by donating here.