Autumn brought back to us a new seasonal routine. Our monthly meetings, already set up on the Foundation’s website until the end of this year, confirm that our VOLIF group is evolving and consolidating month after month.

Surrounded by the books of the Ivanaj Library, the volunteers gathered again for their planned meeting of September. Since in the last trimester some of them worked for the very first time in projects and some experienced also doing real research, this meeting revolved around these topics and the significance of teamwork.

We all know that the ability of working in groups is essential in every set up and phases of our lives, and teamwork is crucial when wanting to have a meaningful and lifelong career. To work well with others is why worthy teamwork is so important in the professional and interpersonal sector.

It's one thing to have a team, it's a whole other thing to have teamwork. A team that works well together can succeed as such and produce great results, and this is what we strive to impart to our VOLIFF group wishing for all its members boundless satisfying outcomes.

As idealized and planned by the Management of our organization, it would be great to see a self-driven development by the seriously committed VOLIF members to form an actual organizational component within our premises, capable of functioning  and becoming, in full cooperation with the Ivanaj Foundations, a self-managed and sustainable unit.

That is why we offer unique trainings/workshops/exercises and a variety of experiences on a continued basis to this group to develop and emphasize the value of the creation and actual existence of this already amazing team.

Dynamic team building methods and themed activities are already on our agenda and whoever would like to learn more and contribute time and effort toward the above stated goal is welcome to sign up and become part of this experience.

 Our social media accounts are always up to date with the latest news, but for more detailed material related to our projects and events make sure to subscribe to the newsletter available in our official website.