While being overwhelmed by all sorts of messages for my birthday, first let me thank all that have reached me via all sorts of media to wish me not only a good day, but longer life to realize the plans that are part of my vision, and express gratefulness to those that have contributed so far also to a fundraiser we have currently ongoing on FB!
At the Ivanaj Foundations we are proud of what we have accomplished so far and are in the midst of new initiatives and concepts properly planned for the time to come. During more than a year of the incredible difficulties due to the worldwide virus conditions, we have managed nevertheless to implement and process long and complex educational and charitable projects that are now finally come to fully successful conclusions.
We have met and dealt with people all around Albania and even across borders, provided exceptional help in some badly needed spots, and continued developing other programs for youth and our volunteers’ hub that are still ongoing and you’ll hear more about as we go along.
We are also gratified by the many requests of collaborations and all sorts of proposals we continue to receive and wish to let you, our dear friends, know that we also hope to be able to count on your continued support in all our endeavors.
While certain contributions (such as online donation via FB) cannot be processed from within Albania, our website “Donate” page is always available and offers a variety of (easily clickable) donations processing types.
Renewed thanks for keeping us in mind and best wishes to you all! Have a wonderful and safe summer!