By Drita Ivanaj
New York – Tirana
Today I am delighted to announce that I have finally physical control of the Ivanaj property in Tirana, Albania, the title of which I had legally obtained in 1995 as the only heir to my family possessions.
After 14 years of untangling all the legal and procedural issues, justice has prevailed and I now have the great pleasure and honor to put my property at the disposal of the Ivanaj Foundations created by me in New York in 1995 and in Tirana in 1996, in memory of my father Martin and my uncle Mirash.
It has been 70 years, almost to the day, that my family had to evacuate these premises as the property was confiscated by the Fascist government in 1939. After WWII the property was claimed by the Communist dictatorship and held for over half a century. The military unit that freely used my land and home, even during these years of Albanian democratization, has been relocated and has relinquished the property.
My life’s dream is becoming a reality and the outcome of that dream will be that the Ivanaj Foundations will have their own quarters in Tirana where my family’s original Albanian flag, which I preserved for this day, will proudly fly again.
Cheers, Albania!