A New Web Site debuts for The Ivanaj Foundations
of New York and Tirana
“The Martin and Mirash Ivanaj Foundation” of New York, NY (USA) and its partner, the “M. & M. Ivanaj Foundation Institute” of Tirana (Albania), not-for-profit organizations dedicated to “Advancing Education and Knowledge for the Future of Albanian Youth”, are launching their newly redesigned web site in both English and Albanian versions, for the benefit of their international audience.
As we are progressing in our activities and projects, we are accumulating information and data that we know are of great historical interest. This information is of value not only to our devoted Albanian readers, yearning and grateful for more educational history of which they are proud, but also to our American friends, who are encouraging us to publish more about Albania, which is still not well known outside of the country.
The new site, designed by a young Albanian in Tirana, Artan Telqiu, in collaboration with our New York office, has a cleaner look and will provide easier navigation for the reader, as well as easier update capability for new information.
If you experience difficulties in the new site, or need further details about its content, kindly contact: [email protected]